Anna's family is naturally minded with plenty of remedies from their elders. When she struggled with low iron during pregnancy, she used a family recipe to boost her iron. When her food-based store-bought supplement was working slower than she desired, she added this IN ADDITION to her natural iron builder.
HER HEMOGLOBIN INCREASED BY TWO POINTS IN JUST ONE MONTH!!! And this occurred during her last trimester of pregnancy when iron levels tend to decrease instead of increase.
1 CUP Natural Pomegranate Juice (I think she used the "Just Juice" brand)
1 Cup Beet Juice (She juices the beets at home in a juicer)
1 Cup Red Wine* (Concord Manischewitz tastes sweet)
1/2 Cup Raw Local Honey
Anna would take one or two tablespoons of 'Anna's Iron Booster' every time she took her store-bought supplement.
It's important to take your iron boosters at a different time than you take any prenatal vitamin to get the best absorption. It's also important to reduce or eliminate your dairy intake while trying to build your iron levels.
Why is preventing anemia important during pregnancy? Iron stores give us energy which we will need for the birth and postpartum period. When the placenta detaches, there is a normal loss of blood which reduces hemoglobin even further. Low iron means that your immune system is also less functional which can lead to postpartum infections or mastitis . Low iron can also reduce your breastmilk supply.
Let us know if you have any great iron-building DIY success stories.
*Midwife note on the alcohol in the recipe. Such low doses of alcohol are common in tinctures and medications and would not pose a problem for pregnancy, especially in the third trimester.